Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Nalanda Notes

Rajiv was finally getting into something. He was looking into the eyes of Dhruv. Dhruv could make out that there is something that they will be in some moments. 'Dhruv, I want you to go to Nalanda and visit the place. Tell me what u find there and report me immediately if you find something difficult. Take Priyanka with you. She might be o a lot of help as she knows how to read the ancient sculptures. We have our men there, who would be with you all the time, in informal dresses. Just shout if u are in Danger. The help would come soon. I will arrange for the seats in the Next flight to Patna. Get going soon and report me back immediately. 'Dhruv went out. The car was waiting for him. After a few moments, Priyanka joined him in the car. And the car started rolling fast. 'What do you think, what was the plot all about for which Guru ji gave is life', Dhruv Asked Priyanka. ‘Guruji was not a weak person and neither a fearful mammoth. He had Power, courage and the needed wisdom to save him. If he let his life go easily for a reason, and this reason can only be found once we reach Nalanda.’

‘Hope we get something out there. This is the only place where we can find something about him. He has spent a lot of time there, preaching religion.’ Dhruv exclaimed. The two reached the Airport People were waiting there to receive them .They got their tickets and they board the place. In two hours they reached Patna. As soon as they got there, they check out of the airport and caught a Taxi for going to Nalanda. It took them some 3 hours to reach there.

Nalanda was a very old place. All the things were in ruins except a few of the new buildings which showed that things have progressed here. Life of the people was simple and does not seem to be really modern. It was a dry hot day with a few trees around, the little breeze around seemed to take away the last drop of water inside the body. The scene around seemed to be an exact sample of an Indian Sub town. All thella wallas around. People were buying and selling things in Shops. Bargaining was hot and everything was going normal before these people reached there. Priyanka was wearing a very city like attire which is usually not seen in the villages. Guys were staring as we moved in the hot sun. I was feeling the pinch when I was looking at Priyanka and the sweat on her face, making her look hotter than ever. ‘Priyanka, you must have got some other dress to cool down the people here. All seemed to be very much impressed about your attire including me.’

‘I guess you are right Dhruv. Once we reach Hotel, I will change. ‘, Priyanka feeling shy, briefed.

In some ten minutes. They got a Hotel. It was an unusual one. All fans around with most of them not working. ‘Can we get two single rooms here? We need the best one around’, Dhruv asked the Manager of the Hotel.

The Manager was a person full in Tatters. His Shabby clothes explained how good the hotel would be. But this village cannot have a better one for its visitors. The Manager checked the register and gave them keys to two of the rooms. They went to the first floor to their respective rooms to rest a while, before they begin their journey to find the things they themselves don’t know. Dhruv asked Priyanka to get ready soon so that they can have a look the scene around in Nalanda and make themselves familiar to the place.

Around five o’ clock, Priyanka Knocked Dhruv’s door to wake him up. Dhruv was already ready with a few sheets of paper. He prepared a check list for both of them. ‘Priyanka, our first step is to get a hook up with the local people. Then we might have a look at the Nalanda site today in the evening. ’

‘Ok, let’s go then.’

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