Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 8: The meet of the ends

'What holds ahead for us, probably could never be expected', Dhruv was murmuring to himself, thinking of all the adventures he ha been through. 'Don't worry Dhruv, things would be fine once Vishwa ji is here. He is a good friend of mine and i know, we will get to know about him as much as we can. But never tell him the things which we were discussing. We still need more time to tell things to others. Let it be like, we know he is kidnapped and things like that.'
'What if he asks why am i here?'
'Because you are an expect in Historic facts and we think that someone wants something very precious thing from him which is not known to many people. You are helping us in this assignment. Here comes the airport. I guess he has already landed on the airport.'
As soon as the duo went inside, they saw Vishwa ji was coming towards them. Dhruv was pleased to see Vishwa ji as he was seeing him for the first time, live. He was just the way he had imagined him to be. Fresh, Young and modern. Though he was with Guruji all the time, he was not like the other saints who wear Khaki and look different from the rest. He was looking exactly like the rest.
'Hi Vishwa ji, Welcome. Sorry could not receive you on time, after forcing you to come on such a short notice. You must be knowing that Guruji is missing and still not found. We need more information about him. Probably this would help us to speed up the inquiry. I am personally looking at the dealings of it', Rajiv explained.
'He is my lord and if i am standing here, it is because of him. You know the intricacies if him being missing from such a long time. Probably we can discuss the rest once we reach a good place to discuss such things.'
'Well said Vishwa ji, lets go.'
And the trio moved to the car and went on.
They reached the office back. They got down and came to a meeting room. Rajiv called up and asked everyone not to disturb him. 'Would you like to have something, Vishwa ji.'
'no nothing, thanks Rajiv. Probably we can discuss what we are here for. Who is this Mr., Hi.'
'He is Dhruv, a teacher by profession but even a person very much interested in monuments and artifacts. A historian. He is helping us in this mission. ', Rajiv introduced Dhruv to him.
'Lets start then. What we got to know from our reliable sources that some one has kidnapped him for something which holds a great historical meaning. Now that this particular party wants it, i want you to tell me what is that something, which they want to find.'
'Who are these people you are referring to?'
'The Mandyas. I heard he was writing something about them.'
'Let me assure toy. There is nothing he could have defied. He is a good man and does not believe in falling into violence. They thought so but we solved the problem by talking to them. I think it is someone else. Someone more powerful. It can't be someone so common. No one gains anything by kidnapping him. He has written a number of things but it was always to spread harmony and peace not to disrupt them. I heard a number of things from the other people in Nalanda, and are his followers like me. Some of them say that he was not kidnapped, but shot. I don't know ow far the story is true, but i do firmly believe that your department is not working fine and simply blaming Guruji for his work.', Vishwa ji exclaimed.
'Its not true. We are working day and night to find who is behind it. You can't just blame us for it and our work', Dhruv said.
'Probably then i can't help you any more. You people are not ready to work harder, or do not realize the gravity of the situation. Sorry but i can't help such irresponsible people. ', Vishwa ji told both of them, 'Rajiv i got to leave now. Can you please arrange for a car so that i can move back to the Ashram in Delhi.'
'Sure, but..', Rajiv was looking disappointed.
Vishwa ji moved fast and and left the place.
'Come on Dhruv lets go. There is something we got to plan.'

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chapter 7: Vishwa Ji

In the rough patch of desert near Jaiselmer, there existed a track, a track hardly used by the planes. It was fully covered with the pinching sands of Rajasthan. It was difficult to imagine something could even land there. Suddenly, a plane hovered around it and was coming towards the track. It seemed like it will land here and finally it did. The huge noise of the landing could probably be heard from a long distance, but there was no one to even lend eyes to such a loud bang. Eventually the plane comes to a halt. Three people came out, and as soon as they came out, the plane was ready to leave and it made its way out of that place. one of the man was in beard, looking like a saint and the other two were strong men, with proper clothes on. The old man makes a call and talks, 'Make a quick arrangement for me to go to Delhi Again, the Ministry expects me there. And please, let no one know about my trip here.'. The call was disconnected and the trio went to the car waiting for them outside. They packed in and the car rolled on.
'There is a terrible news for you, Vishwa ji. Guruji is no more with us. He demised two days back. It was decided not to disturb you during the trip. Thus no one informed you. He died after he burned the Ajarved. His body is yet to be found and we are all worried, about the people who are getting involved in this. So you were called here and a few major members are here to discuss the situation with you. ', The driver took a long breathe and relaxed.
'Why was i not informed about this situation. Things have acted so crazily. Do u people realize the gravity of the situation or just want to be a worthless organization. You people should have at least said something. Any news with the police?'
'He was seen being shooted at, after he burnt the book.Police says, they are still searching for him. It seems all the proves were removed from the place. it is still not released to the public about him. This could create panic and the situations are not good right now in India to discuss his absence.'
'I understand'. And then the talks came to a standstill with the sound of the car motor more vibrant then before. They were fast approaching their destination. Near the border of Pakistan, lies a small village of old men and Women. Outside the village, lies a cottage. The car stopped there. There were a few people waiting for them. As soon as they arrived, all of them except the security with old man stayed outside.
'Sorry Vishwa ji but we did not have any other choice, informing you and calling you here to India would be very dangerous as people would realize what is going on and the people who took his body would be more conscious about us and specially you. So it was rather decided not to inform you. But now the situation has come very grave. His body is no where to be found and so is the person who hit him. The book was found burnt, though the ashes were not found as we saw it burning. We thought, you were the best person to take his place. So we unanimously took a decision about you and have chosen you as our president.'
'Thanks for all the hope and support. I really don't know whether i would be able to take Guruji's place but i will try my level best to support the cause which he always did. He was a great man. My mentor, my soul and my guiding star. Probably he would not like me to be weak. Lets swear by this day, his hopes and our Organization is able to serve the mission we always live for.'
The people parted and Vishwa ji was back to the plane which took him. And he left again.